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How Easily

You Can

Have A Disney World Vacation For A

Fraction Of What Others Pay

Don't Have To Be Rich

To Have An Extravagant Disney World Vacation



disney world vacation

Beth Haworth

Former Disney Cast Member

Best Selling Travel Writer

a late Spring afternoon, two families departed for Disney
World. They were very much alike, these two

Both had two children,
both had middle class incomes, and both
lived in the same neighborhood.

Both families took the same flight to Disney
World. Both stayed at the same luxury 5-Star Disney
World resort

Both families attended the same shows and
events, and ate at the same restaurants.

Both families spent the same amount of time
at Disney World, and returned home on the same flight.

But there was a difference….

One family spent $5,500 for their Disney
World vacation. The other spent $2,700.

What made the difference?

Hi – I’m Beth Haworth.
If you're like me, you probably insist on getting the most
you possibly can for your money.

I’ve written a guide to the best
tips, tricks and savings available
for a Disney Vacation.
Strategies that can literally save you hundreds –
if not thousands of dollars.

You see – I’m not only a best
selling travel author – I was also a Disney
Cast Member
. And let me tell you – those were
some of the best times of my life. I learned a lot –
but I also kept my eyes open.


Disney World Savings Guide e-Book

Please note that this is an e-Book that is updated
regularly. All customers receive lifetime access to
e-Book updates, even if it's months or years after
your initial purchase. You will always have the very
latest Disney savings strategies at your fingertips.
an e-Book?


I watched hundreds of families needlessly
throwing their money away because they didn't
know any better way. If only they had known what I know!

And that’s how my “Ultimate
Disney World Savings Guide
” e-Book was born.

It’s everything I've learned and discovered
in making a Disney Vacation an affordable and magical experience.

You can have a Disney World vacation
every bit as enjoyable and rewarding as the family who spends
2, 3, or even 4 times as much money!

Let me give you an example:

Disney 5-Star Resort: Retail
cost $3,110 for 10 days

My cost: $1,130

a savings of $1,980
– for less
than one hour of my time! And that's not an off-season
deal either! I'm talking right in the middle of peak
Disney travel times in 2010! Follow the 9 easy
steps in my Disney Savings Guide, and you can do it

Why not pay for your trip in advance,
rather than making credit card payments for months afterwards?

Every tip, every suggestion, every
strategy you’ll find in my book is for real
I've done it all first hand. Both as an actual Disney Cast
Member – and now as a Mom with three kids going on Disney

Let me tell you exactly how “The
Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide”
is going to
save you a bundle of cash.

Or – as Mickey might say: “On
With The Show!


Greenville, SC News Interview.

Click play below to start the newscast now (5 minutes)

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